
Partnering with Parents

What are our shared understandings?

At Montrose, we know that we are all works in progress and that we all have inherent dignity* and the potential to grow and pursue our true north. When we say girls are called to greatness and to inspire greatness in others, we draw on a Christian anthropology of the human person, understanding that each of your daughters 
  • has the capacity to learn, grow, and pursue the truth (veritas), to develop greatness of mind;
  • is an embodied soul, unique and unrepeatable, unconditionally loved by God, and invited to grow in relationship with Him and with others, to develop authentic love (caritas) and greatness of heart;
  • is free and, necessarily, will make mistakes in and outside the classroom. She has the capacity to accept responsibility, seek forgiveness, make amends, and grow in the understanding and maturity she needs to use her freedom (libertas) well, so she can develop greatness of character.

How do we collaborate with parents?

Montrose faculty and mentors are vital partners in your daughter’s education. Parents are encouraged to help their daughters take ownership of learning and contact their teachers directly with academic questions and consult with mentors as needed. We aim to work in collaboration with you to support your daughter’s growth and maturity.  

At the same time, we invite you to reach out to us. We work to build authentic, collaborative relationships with parents and offer parent enrichment including workshops, the LifeCompass Speaker Series, blog posts, retreats and faith formation opportunities, and online resources. Our faculty and mentors meet with parents in individual meetings, small group discussions and larger conferences.

We believe every parent is a primary educator, steward and ambassador of the School.

List of 3 items.

  • What is a primary educator?

    Parents are our students’ primary--their first and most important--educators and we support you in your crucial formative work.  Our LifeCompass Speaker Series offers unique and ongoing opportunities for parents to learn how they can grow in their noble vocation. Specifically, they are designed to help you help your daughters take ownership of their learning and grow in agency and responsible use of their freedom, as they navigate life’s ups and downs.
    Parents are responsible for the moral and spiritual upbringing of their children and the choice of school that complements this effort.  Montrose is committed to partnering with parents in this endeavor. That said, the School focuses on doing what it does well – providing an outstanding liberal arts education in a single sex setting that enables young women to thrive personally, academically and spiritually.  
    While the School is a natural setting for our students to grow and thrive socially, we respect the primary role parents play in the social and emotional development of their daughters. As their first and most important educators, parents must take up and own what they will always do better than schools – giving their children healthy input on social interactions, relationships, dating, intimacy and sexuality education. The School provides parents curated resources on these topics.
  • What does it mean to be a steward of the School?

    Our parents are important stakeholders in the School, supporting its fiscal health and long term sustainability. As a school founded by parents and professional educators, we rely on our parents’ participation in the Annual Fund and their support, at whatever level is appropriate, of our annual auction or gala and in some years, our major gift campaigns. We are enormously grateful for the countless ways parents steward our mission with their time, talent, treasure and/or in kind contributions. All of these efforts have a direct, positive impact on the student experience and enable us to pay it forward.   
  • What does it mean to be an ambassador of Montrose? 

    Our parents know how to communicate what sets Montrose apart - its mission and impact in their daughter’s lives. We count on parents to tell the Montrose story and bring colleagues, neighbors and friends to the School.  We also invite parents to participate in Admission Events and welcome new families.  Parents are our best ambassadors.  
    The founders of Montrose always wanted Montrose to be a place, where parents have plenty of opportunity to befriend other parents--on the sidelines of games, at plays and events. To this end, the Montrose Parent Guild facilitates opportunities for parents to come together for grade level socials, school community events and volunteer opportunities. There are plenty of occasions to be an ambassador and to benefit from the friendships that grow naturally from them.
Homecoming Weekend
Maverick 5K & Pancake Breakfast
A Cappella Jam  
Sports Banquets
Performing Arts Banquets
Lessons & Carols

Father/daughter game night
Mother/daughter Mass & brunch 
Parent socials
Boxwoods & Bubbly
Trivia Night
Grandparent Day

Upcoming Events:

List of 1 events.

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I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Montrose and have never been to a school with such a remarkable mission. Your commitment to parents combined with a holistic approach to educating young women during adolescence is truly unique.
*Seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person
  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
  • Solidarity
  • Care for God's Creation
An independent school for girls in grades 6-12
Inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church