Emma Barry '22, Election Worker

Junior Emma Barry may not be able to vote yet, but these days, you might just find her at the polls. As a Town of Millis election worker, she has had a firsthand look at the democratic process and shares her experience in Montrose's student newspaper, The Looking Glass.
The upcoming election is eliciting strong emotions in everyone. Fear. Hope. Dread. Anticipation. In my case, I just see a long workday ahead of me. That’s right, folks. I, Emma Barry, am an election worker. A woman on the front lines who will, come that fateful Tuesday, usher people in and out of the polls and help count ballots in order to UPHOLD OUR SACRED DEMOCRACY! Trust me, it’s pretty exciting. 

This summer, I got my first ever job working for the Town of Millis. I worked both Millis’ local election as well as the state primary. Being an election worker isn’t what you could call a 
steady job, as elections, by definition, only occur once in a while.  However, I was privileged enough to start working in a presidential election year, which means that come November third I will be a three-time poll veteran. 

Read more in the Looking Glass online.
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